Teaching resources

It's our desire as a fellowship to create a foundation of teaching material to help establish strong, healthy Christian disciples. There are some great teaching aids out there already, here are a few more that we hope you will find useful. Please use them freely.
2023 Month of prayer and fasting
The Armour of God

Group study notes on the Armour of God

In the Belonging course we examine our relationship with Jesus, with the Church body, and with each other. We look at who we are, and how we are called to be a valuable part of Christ's church. We examine a 'blue print' of the Church, all the various functions in the body, and the spiritual gifts.

We believe that God still speaks. The wonderful truth is that God wants to speak to us, individually, and in ways that we can understand. Primarily He speaks to people through His Word, the Bible. But He also speaks to us in other ways. This course helps us to hear God, to tune into the ways in which He speaks. To learn to know when it is God, and equally important, when it isn't.
Freedom in Christ course

The F.I.C. course is one of the best we have come across for clear, simple, biblical, discipleship teaching. We run the course in small groups and have the 'steps day' in people's homes where they take time out, to be guided by the Holy Spirit and to pray through the questions posed by the course. Almost everyone in our fellowship has been on this course, some having done it two and three times.
We can't recommend this course enough.
The course was written by Steve Goss and can be sourced at;
See Anne for details of when we are next running this course.