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Hearing God's Voice Course

Below are PDF pages for each week. Scroll through them to read.

Time to get practical!


What is 'Prophecy Night' ?

Prophecy night is a time set aside as a group, to hear from God. 

The way we have done it in the past is to sit everyone in a way they can see each other. We then have a short time of worship and prayer, and we begin.

We focus on one person in the group and we sit for a while and listen to what says to us. Some may get a picture of something, others a scripture, others a word of prophecy, whatever.

When everyone has finished listening we go around the room in turn and each person shares what they believe they have received for that person. 

When everything has been shared, we then move onto the next person.

One of the common experiences of the Prophecy Night is to see God speak to each person, giving everyone small snippets of information, alone these snippets make little sense until it is all brought together and shared, and then the big picture of what God is saying is revealed.

We have had many prophecy nights over the years. From mature believers, through to new converts, all have done the course and participated in the Prophecy Night, and all, bar none, have walked away astounded.

Many for the first time have experienced God speak to them, but not just speak to them, but to the group as a cohesive whole.

We insist that the prophecy we share is for encouragement and edification only, we do not allow directional prophecy. Years later we have found that these times of edification and encouragement have been so powerful, they are remembered with great affection and clarity.

Don't be afraid, be encouraged, look forward to the Prophecy Night with great excitement.

Recommended reading:

The Spiritual Man: Watchman Nee

The Practice of the Presence of God: Brother Lawrence

Present Perfect: Greg Boyd

Man: The Dwelling place of God: Tozer

How to hear God's voice: Mark Virkler

How to Hear the Voice of God and understand it: Adam Houge

The Spirit who speaks: Peter Lawrence

The Power of a Whisper: Bill Hybels

You can Prophesy: Nick Watson

The Word of Knowledge in Action: Art Thomas

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