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6th March 2022

DUNVEGAN CHURCHES TOGETHER: On Sunday we celebrated our second joint service between the Free Church, Church of Scotland, Church at Dunvegan, and Dunvegan Christian Fellowship. It was attended by over 60 people. A collection was taken towards the Ukraine Appeal. Refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed afterwards.

5th March


Thank you to everyone for supporting the board games evening. A great fun night was had by all.

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Dec 2021

CAROL SERVICES:  It was great this year to be able to have two Carol services, one in Dunvegan as usual, the other in Waternish.

If you were unable to join us here is our Carol service video to enjoy. Thank you to everyone for their hard work in making the video, especially the children from Dunvegan primary School.

5th Dec 2021

What a great morning!

What a pleasure it was for the church and wider family to come together to support Dan and Jen in their dedication of baby Debbie.

Such a pleasure too being welcomed with such a great breakfast, and to have a precious time of worship and fellowship.

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TASTER SERVICE and Debbie's Dedication

Sunday 5th Dec

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Never been to church before?

Not been for a long time?

Fancy seeing what it's all about?


Join us for breakfast as you arrive and experience a 

relaxed informal morning of videos, chat, testimony and worship.

Breakfast is served at 10;45,

The Church Service will begin just after 11am.


We hope you will join us.


3rd October


Thank you to everyone for all the hard work in pulling together our first taster service this year.

A special thanks to Nikki for providing and preparing the fabulous breakfast.

Please pray that the seeds of the gospel sown, will find fertile ground where it will take root and flourish.

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Sunday 3rd October

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Never been to church before?

Not been for a long time?

Fancy seeing what it's all about?


Join us for breakfast as you arrive and experience a 

relaxed informal morning of videos, chat, testimony and worship.

Breakfast is served at 10;45,

The Church Service will begin just after 11am.


We hope you will join us.

New Evening Services Begin in Waternish

20th Sept 2021

It is with great excitement we are able to announce that we will be now holding evening services in Waternish Village Hall.

Our first service will be held at 6pm on the 14th Nov. Thereafter they will be held on the second Sunday of every month at 6pm. 

On the 12th of Dec we will be holding a candlelit Carol Service.


Don't miss Pastor Samuel this week

It is with great pleasure we welcome back Pastor Samuel this week. Join us on Sunday 19th Sept to hear his message.



August 15th August

After an amazing morning service, we released our 'Blueprint' document.

Coming off the back of our month of fasting and prayer, and the 'Belonging' course, our 'Blueprint' outlines what we see as our vision for the future.

As a part of this vision we also outline the needs of the fellowship and 'job' opportunities as we press forward.

Please let Anne know where you feel called

anytime within the next two weeks. There will

be an AGM in three weeks where we will

begin to discuss the practicalities of pressing

forward into all the new ministries.

Contact Andy or Anne if you don't have a copy.

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Alistair and Larry

Thursday 26th August 7.30pm

Join us for a chance to meet with the Scottish Apostle Alistair Matheson and ordained Prophet Larry Donaldson.



Archery Afternoon


15th August 2021

A very different day from the previous archery day. Instead of sweltering heat we hid beneath the tress while a rain shower passed over, and spent much time swotting midges. The thirteen people who braved the elements shot some good arrows between them. Sylvia and Kay came equal with a very respectable 57, and Andy narrowly beat Nigel by only two points.


Archery Afternoon


25th July 2021

On a day that saw temperatures soar to a sweltering 34 deg in the sun the fellowship enjoyed another great afternoon with a relaxing picnic. After sheltering under the trees for shade the arrows took flight. Everyone did really well, with Jane taking a strong lead for the ladies and Dan for the men. Young Daniel came in with a very respectable 45. Thanks to everyone for making it another great afternoon

Archery Afternoon

Sunday 11th July 2021

Once again after our morning church service, a number of folks got together for a picnic and to shoot a few arrows. Although we initially had a few drops of rain, it didn't last more than a few minutes, and the afternoon brightened to give us some great weather. Everyone did really well.

Kris and Paul finished the day on 115 each. Kat led the ladies, but we have to mention Millie Rose who shot some great arrows. Thank you to everyone for making it a great afternoon.

Sunday 18th July

After Church Walk

Join Kris and Josie this week after church as they take us on a short walk, before arriving back at the Misty for ice cream.

Joe and Hannah get engaged

Sunday 5th July 2021

In the midst of the archery day on Sunday we are very pleased to announce that Joe asked Hannah to marry him, and she said yes! He proposed with a diamond solitaire ring, and celebrated afterwards with champagne.

We pray every blessing over them as they step forward into their new life together.


Sunday 5th July 2021

After a long winter's and Covid break, it was great to once again be able to get together to have fun and shoot a few arrows. It was a hard fought contest with Robert taking the lead in the men's, and Tanya making a last minute leap forward in points with two gold's in the final round. Well done everyone who took part!

NEXT Archery day, 11th July after chuch.

(all places already fully booked for the 11th)

Contact Andy or Anne to get on the waiting list for the next one.

Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting Resumes

After many months of meeting online, our regular Tuesday Evening prayer meeting will resume. We will be meeting in the Lochside unit at 7:45. Please feel free to come and join us as we press forward in prayer for those around us, and for the journey we now travel as a fellowship. Booking not required. All usual Covid regs will be in place.


Dan's ordination into Eldership


It was with great excitement we were able to witness Dan being ordained into the position of Elder within the fellowship this Sunday. Thank you to those who travelled such distances to come and support Dan, and for those who joined us live online.


It was such a blessing to have Pastor Samuel join us once again, and to have him officiate over the occasion. Thank you Samuel.

Please keep Dan, Jen and children in your prayers as they step out into their futures in Christ.

We can also announce that singing will begin once again in our worship services. 

Go to Covid page to check out the rules regards singing.


Join us for our 11am Sunday Morning Services.

Seating areas must be booked online. All Covid restrictions will be in place. 

Make your booking at our online booking page.

Online services.

In response to those people across Britain and worldwide who have joined us recently at our online services, we have decided to record our live services and share these online for you to enjoy. The recorded service is uploaded every Sunday afternoon to our Youtube channel, here on our website, and on our online service platform

exciting new course available


What it means to belong to a church, find friendships, find your place in church, and discover how you can best serve your Saviour.


We all want to belong to something meaningful, something that reflects very much who we are, and what we believe. But what does it mean to belong? Belonging is an essential human need that God has placed in each one of us. We can all find a sense of belonging in relationships and in family, but its within the fellowship of believers that true belonging is meant to flourish. Because its as a born again believer we can finally find our true potential and destiny in Christ. The Church is the place where we were always meant to belong. Join us on our journey as we discover what it means to belong to a church, how we find true friendships, find your place in church, and discover how you can best serve your saviour

Join us in Home Group as we study and discuss the various subjects


or watch for the videos and notes online.

Easter Week

On Easter morning we will be meeting at the Lochside unit at 11am, book your seats here on our online booking page.


In the evening we will be meeting together online with churches from all over Scotland.

Don't miss this amazing opportunity!!

The service will have a strong outreach content, so please invite friends and family to join in.


Throughout the next week there will be prayer meetings and videos being shared, check out the details below:

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Apostolic Church Week of Fasting and Prayer

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Monday 1st to Sunday 7th Feb

We would like to invite you to join with us in a national week of fasting and prayer. 

Each day will have a prayer focus.


Monday 1st 'Thanksgiving, praise and worship'

Tuesday 2nd  'Healing'

Wednesday 3rd 'The UK'

Thursday 4th  'The Lost'

Friday 5th  'Children and young people'

Saturday 6th  'Prodigals'



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There will be an hour of prayer throughout the week at 7- 8pm, broadcast live on all the usual ACUK channels.


On Sunday evening from 7-8pm there will be a national Zoom prayer meeting.

To attend the Sunday evening meeting register at


PDF daily devotionals will be made available to encourage and guide our prayers.

Feb 7th 2021

Foundations of Grace

Join us as we study the importance of understanding, and living by Grace. Week five 'Fear' is now available.

We studied 'fear' last week and it was such a deep subject, rather than rush through, we have extended this to this week. 

5th Jan 2021

Online Zoom Socials

Fancy joining folks for an online coffee and a chat. Or just to sit and listen to the online banter? Join us for our Tuesday online coffee morning, or Friday evening quiz and games night. 

Living Advent Windows

Dunvegan Primary School organised a 'Living Advent Window'. Homes all around the Dunvegan area decorated their windows and lit them up at 6pm. Every night of advent saw a different home light up their themed window.

Dunvegan Christian Fellowship had the Christmas Eve window.

So on the 24th at 6pm as people gathered around the window (socially distanced and masked of course). We were treated to a wonderful nativity presentation.

With carols sung by the Dunvegan Primary School Children, and the presentation by Josie, Nikki, and Brian.


A taster of the night can be seen on this short video.

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Decembers evening services

After many months only meeting for worship online, or outdoors, it was with excitement we finally began meeting together physically on Sunday Evenings for the first time in December. 

Although unable to sing and constrained by the Covid regulations, we still found a wonderful depth of worship in the services.

There have been some great times of testimony, some amazing pieces of writing, thoughts, scriptures and moments of real Godly revelation.

Whilst the services have been different from what we were used to, we have not lost the intimate sense of His presence amongst us as we gathered together in His name. Whilst some churches and fellowships have reported decreasing numbers in the congregation, we have not experienced this. We have been close to maximum seating numbers most weeks. Thank you to everyone for your continued support as we press forward in our work in Dunvegan.

We look forward to seeing you in January.

Book your seats early!

Building opening


We are very pleased to announce the re-opening of the church building.

We began meeting on the 6th and had a great time of teaching, fellowship, prayer and worship. 

Join us

the Lochside building for an evening service at 6pm every Sunday.  Pre-booked seats only.

Covid regulations will apply.  Please wear a mask.

The 11am online morning service will continue.



28th Oct 

Congratulations to Dan and Jen

on the  birth of the new baby!

Baby Deborah Catherine Lily,

born 20 min past 12

on the 28.10.20   

weight 8lbs 11oz   

62cm long.


Opening soon !

18th Oct 2020

Finally, after many delays, we hope to be opening

the building shortly.

We have been awaiting the transfer of the lease

before we could begin our construction work.

This has now come through. The new air filtration

system is now completed, glazing and divider

screens are almost completed, and the

decorating has begun.

The audio visual desk is being moved and new

cables and mike positions, are all being installed.

It's been a long process, but it is almost ready. 


Due to Covid restrictions,

attendance will have to be pre-booked.

Our new seat online booking system will be available here on our website shortly.



We highly recommend the free online movie called 'The Chosen'.

Watch it on YouTube, or download the App.

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Archery afternoon

30th Aug 2020

This weeks archery afternoon saw 'Bullseye Brian' and our usual winning players being beaten by 'Hawkeye' newcomer Pete. The weather behaved itself, except the dropping of the wind which encouraged the midges for a short while.

​All in all another enjoyable day shooting a few arrows and catching up socially, and having a great time of fellowship.


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Outdoor worship

​23 Aug 2020

On a sunny but chilly afternoon some of us gathered to share fellowship and a time of worship. Brian led worship on the guitar, and afterwards we shared a time of testimony to the goodness of God through the difficult times of lockdown.


​Click sideways arrows to see more photos


6 Aug 2020

On a beautiful sunny day a few folks took to the hills for a walk and a picnic.

What an incredible day.









​Click sideways to see more photos


Archery afternoon

9 Aug 2020

On a very warm and sunny Sunday afternoon we held another archery afternoon.

It was a hotly contested competition with Mike just winning on 113 points.

A great fun day, with lots of laughter and fellowship.



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Archery afternoon

19 July 2020

We were pleased this afternoon to be able to host our first archery afternoon. Unfortunately due to the Covid guidelines numbers were limited but a great day was had by all.

Many never having shot an arrow before discovered hidden talents.

Like 'bullseye Brian' who discovered a talent for hitting the bullseye!



​Click sideways to see more photos

New baby!

1st Sept 

Congratulations to Prem and Lalitta in Nepal on the safe arrival of their baby. Both mum and baby are doing well.

New book.

10th Sept 

Congratulations to Gary on the publishing of his new book.






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