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The Dunvegan Fellowship was planted out from Portree based Skye Bible Church over twenty years ago by Alistair and Barbara Matheson, and Paul and Jean Karp.

There have been fellowship meetings in Dunvegan for many years but it was only in July 2014 that the current fellowship was set aside from SBC, Portree on a full time basis.

On May 21st 2015 we moved into our current premises in unit 2.

​Dunvegan Christian Fellowship has since become an autonomous church in its own right, receiving legal registration on the 10th Dec 2019.


Since August of 2022 we have taken on the lease for unit 3 which will be an extension to the ministry of the growing fellowship. We currently operate a community cafe in unit 3, other ministries are ongoing


​We continue to be affiliated with the Apostolic Church, and the Evangelical Alliance.

We maintain close ties with Skye Bible Church in Portree, and are active in working alongside other churches and fellowships in the Dunvegan area.

'Heroes of the faith'

Gone home to be with the Lord, but they are not forgotten.

Below are members of our congregation who have gone home to be with the Lord. Far too often we forget the legacy left behind, by those who have gone home before us. We wanted to highlight the lives and legacy of the precious souls who gave so much, so that we can be who we are today. Our fellowship owes so much to the people below;


Paul Karp

​1950 - 2013

Paul was an American by birth, served in Vietnam, and met his wife Jean whilst being stationed on a base in the UK. Paul and Jean moved to Skye and for many years he was an elder of Skye Bible Church. He was one of the people set apart from Skye Bible Church in Portree to form the Dunvegan Fellowship. Paul was a humorous man with a zest for fun and a passion for life. He was a great encouragement to many and was one of the key characters in the formation of our fellowship

Neil Nicolson

​1970 - 2016

Neil was a local 'boy' who came to know the Lord after a particularly difficult time in his life. He was born again with an intense passion for Jesus. He worked in the local council and was well known for sharing his faith at every opportunity. Neil married Jen and they had a son Daniel.

Neil was a key member of the fellowship, encouraging everyone with his passion, faith, and quick wit. He had a heart for people, especially those locked in addictions.

​He was diagnosed with cancer and went to be with the Lord after a short but intense battle. His funeral was packed with over 600 people, one of the largest funerals seen for many years. Such was the testimony of this amazing man of God.


Derrick Parker

​1931 - 2018

Derrick attended the Dunvegan Fellowship for many years as a regular visitor to Skye. Sadly he went home to be home with the Lord only weeks after moving to live on Skye. Derrick was a quiet man with a wisdom and discernment that gave him a reputation as being a sought after spiritual father to many well known Christian leaders. He was a local preacher and spoke in Dunvegan when here. His encouragement, wisdom and foresight were important factors in the laying of the foundations of the fellowship.


Mairi Stirling

​..... - 2019

Mairi was born on Skye and was a believer from an early age. Mairi became a part of the fellowship at its conception. It was through the prayer meetings at Mairi's house that the ground to bring the fellowship into existence was broken. Many times we would hit problems, only to see them resolve themselves following a prayer meeting at Mairi's.

​Mairi suffered from Parkinsons in her latter years but never lost her faith. She was a great prayer warrior who fought the good fight before finally being called home.


Vera Phipps

​1933 - 2021

Vera had been a follower of Jesus from her teens. She faithfully served in the Methodist church for many years alongside her husband Mel. After a move to Skye and Mel's passing she became involved in SBC and subsequently in Dunvegan Christian Fellowship. She was a woman of deep spiritual wisdom and joy, and always brought light and humour into a situation. She set her sights always on her precious Saviour and her heavenly home.


Jean Parker

​1932 - 2022

After the passing of her husband Jean came to live on Skye and attended the Fellowship for a couple of years before dementia took its toll. Jean had many years of vocal training and had an amazing voice, even in her latter years.

Although her memory faded she still remembered the words to many songs. Her favourite being .. for which she will always be remembered. Although she wasn't part of the fellowship for long, she made a big impression on people and will be missed. She passed away during the night on Christmas Day having just celebrated her 90th birthday.


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